This was a good read. It had a decent plot and decent details. The blurb was definitely attention grabbing.
This story line was good but had the ability to be great. As this is the authors first story I think it could use a little bit more. A little more detail and a little more oomph. It wasn’t a “bad” read, it was a good read, but it didn’t hold my attention like I had hoped.
The characters were okay, nothing fantastic and they weren’t extremely developed. They seemed quite simple, which is okay, but I prefer more detail, more depth, and more developed.
I think the author has the ability to get there and write an incredible story. Her idea is great and again, the blurb was amazing. The story just didn’t lack the ability to grab my attention and hold it. I think just a little more attention to detail and descriptions and development on the character side would have made this an excellent story.